Tuesday, 26 February 2013


1.Can you debug the data manager package ?
Program: UJD_TEST_PACKAGE .You must specify the User ID .The DM package can be selected with F4 .
2.How to debug the script logic ?
Program UJK_SCRIPT_LOGIC_TESTER will allow you to test and debug script logic
What is ROUND ?
Technical name of the BADI.
4. startroutine = C1
endroutine = C2
What is C1 ?
Badi filters.
5. Process performed by setting up two Excel files:
Transformation file (required) .Conversion file (optional)
DM package doesn’t need a transformation file ?True or False.
6. When transformation option CONVERT_INTERNAL = NO, the external column refers to the source
value, the internal column refers to the target dimension member you want to load into the application.
When Convert_internal =YES, the external column refers to the target and the internal column refers to
the source value.
7.Where you can use the Java script .
·   Script logic
·   Validation
·   Transformation
·   Conversion file
Answer; Conversion File
8.Can VB script be used in Netweaver BPC ?
No VB script in NetweaverBPC .
9. Transformation file is selected during the run time of the import package. Transformation definitions
are in Excel files that contain one worksheet named Instructions. The file is divided into 3 parts
(*OPTIONS; *MAPPING, *CONVERSION)The transformation file references conversion files that may
contain multiple worksheets.
10. Tip: The *COMMIT statement will end any execution scope defined by any previous *XDIM scoping
statements. If your script logic needs to continue after a *COMMIT, you will need to re-scope by using
additional *XDIM statements.
11.When validating a script logic file with a DM variable, the current response in a BPC75NW SP04
system (and earlier) is to error on the line containing the ${DataManagerVariable}$. This occurs due to
the fact that the DM variable is not really defined until runtime, and the system cannot determine if the
variable contains a correct value during the validation process. Therefore the best practice is to save the
data file without validation and test for correct operation.
12. The IIF statement allows a conditional IF/Then/Else statement to be defined for MDX based syntax.
The IIF statements cannot be include *REC commands, but can be used within MDX tuple expressions.
13. %{DimName}_SET%:A system generated keyword is available for each dimension. This keyword
holds the set of members passed to the logic engine for a given dimension (i.e. the initial scope). This
keyword can be used as a replacement string anywhere in the logic.The format of this keyword is:
%{DimName}_SET% , where DimName is any valid dimension name in the application. For example:
%P_ACCT_SET% for the dimension P_ACCT.
14.The *SELECT statement will be executed before any other statements regardless of its actual position
in the script logic file.
15. WHEN/IS/REC/ENDWHEN cannot be written inside SELECTCASE/ENDSELECT .
16. Dynamic Properities such as HLEVEL, PARENTHn are not supported inside REC statement.
17. REC always needs to be accompained within WHEN/IS/ENDWHEN. Stand alone REC statements will
not have any effects .
18. You can not use SIGNEDDATA or any measure name in a WHEN statement to write condition .
19. Multiple LOOKUP blocks for same Application is not supported .
20.What command is used to convert the keyfigure model to account model ?
21. Script logic calculations cannot cross applications within on Appset – True or False.
22. Script Logic is used to calc data but only for base level data in the application. True or False.
23. The *REC instruction tells the program what to do once the specified criteria has been met. – True or
ACCT_FROM = 10000
ACCT_TO = 10001
25.Run Logic:
“How To Implement the RUNLOGIC Keyword in SAP Business Objects Planning and
Consolidation, version for NetWeaver”
26. The list of supported MDX functions is available from function module
27.Which are the on the fly calculations ?
Dimension member formulas.
28. Which logic is stored in the database ?
Script logic.
29.Dimesnion member formulas and worksheet logic are not stored in the database – True or False.
30. What you need to use dimension member formulas ?
- Formula property in the dimension.
31. Any property with length greater than 60 is stored as a string in SAP NetWeaver BW – True or False.
32.What property is required by all currency type dimensions ?


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